Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Costume Ideas!

Hey guys! It's Mystic and today I have some costume ideas for you! The first outfit is Bluestar from Warriors! She died by protecting her clan from a pack of dogs. Anyways, here's the costume:
This is what you will need:
Moon Necklace (Not in stores anymore)
Freedom Fox Hat (Not in stores anymore)
Pirate Sword (Not in stores anymore)
Spirit Glove (1 diamond)

This is a fun little screenshot I took:
To get the ghost effect go to the Spooky Party and stand in the mist for a while.
Here's the next costume
This is what you will need:
Gazelle Horns (250 gems)
Glove (Not in stores anymore)
Worn (Not in stores anymore)
Elf Tail Armor (4 diamonds)

Next costume:
This is what you will need:
Spike Collar (Not in stores anymore)
Spike Wristband (Not in stores anymore)
Gazelle Horns (250 gems)
Rare Worn (Not in stores anymore)

Final costume:
This is what you will need: 
Rare Princess Necklace (Not in stores anymore)
Rare Scary Bat Wings (Not in stores anymore)
Scary Antlers (250 gems)

I hope you enjoyed these outfits and happy jamming! Bye!

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